A “Controlled Coup”: Erdogan’s Contribution to the Autocrats’ Playbook

A “Controlled Coup”: Erdogan’s Contribution to the Autocrats’ Playbook View original article here. Turkey’s President Erdogan joins the leaders of countries such as Hungary, Belarus, Russia and Philippines, as burgeoning autocrats who grab increasingly more power after being “elected” to govern. These leaders share common tactics that make up an “autocrat’s playbook.” The

Fethullah Gulen’s Maxim: Live So That Others May Live

Fethullah Gulen's Maxim: Live So That Others May Live View original interview here. The above may in fact actually summarize the life meaning for those who participate in the Hizmet (aka Gulen Movement). This is one of the most fundamental values Fethullah Gulen, preacher emeritus based in Pennsylvania and the figurehead of the Hizmet movement, who has

Crisis in Turkey: The human cost of corruption and authoritarianism

Fethullah Gulen’s Interview With Finland’s Yle Uutiset View original interview here. A year after the use of brutal force against Gezi Park protestors in Istanbul, the world remains stunned at the Turkish government’s brutal reaction to legitimate democratic dissent. Their attitude toward protestors not only exposes a pattern of crackdown on democratic opposition, it signals a

Misreading Turkey’s Twitter Controversy

Misreading Turkey’s Twitter Controversy Original Op-Ed was published on foreignaffairs.com on April 7, 2014 View original interview here. In a recent article (“Trial by Twitter”), Halil Karaveli repeated the allegations of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkey’s ruling party, that sympathizers of Fethullah Gülen are engaged in wiretapping. But he relies on

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