What is Hizmet?
Hizmet is a faith-inspired, values-based movement that was started by Turkish Muslims but is open to people of all faiths and beliefs. Serving people regardless of their religious affiliation or background is a core Hizmet principle. As such, NGOs founded by Hizmet participants, such as schools, hospitals and relief agencies serve people all around the world.
What does the word Hizmet mean?
Hizmet is the Turkish word for “service,” meaning serving your community and humanity without an expectation of personal benefit out of a sense of social responsibility and the belief that serving people is serving God.
What are the core beliefs of Hizmet participants?
Hizmet participants believe in the principles of service to humanity as a spiritual practice, empowerment through education, equal opportunity, democracy, and religious and cultural diversity.
What activities do Hizmet participants pursue?
Hizmet participants focus on education, humanitarian service to others, and interfaith dialogue through non-profit organizations and outreach to their communities.
Where does Hizmet come from?
Hizmet began in Turkey in the 1960s as a small community who wanted to do something to address social problems such as poverty, lack of access to quality education, discrimination, ideologically driven polarization and armed conflicts. People moved by the social advocacy of Fethullah Gülen put into practice the tenets that became the core beliefs of Hizmet. The initial small community attracted hundreds of thousands of citizens through time and turned into a grassroots movement.
Who is Fethullah Gülen?
Fethullah Gülen is one of the world’s most important Muslim thinkers and preachers known for his decades-long commitment to interfaith tolerance and altruism. He has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most influential religious figures and public intellectuals by major publications and by religious and political leaders from around the world.