Alliance for Shared Values Statement on the News that Rudy Giuliani Repeatedly Urged President Trump to Eject Fethullah Gulen from the United States

October 16, 2019 – The news that Rudy Giuliani pressed repeatedly for the extradition of Fethullah Gulen without due process is yet another sign that the government of Turkish President Erdogan has made persistent and deep efforts to push its domestic political agenda in the United States. The United States has given Turkey ample opportunity to provide evidence against Mr. Gulen, and Turkey repeatedly has failed to meet the task. Instead, the Turkish government has spent millions of dollars—and offered millions more—to pursue Mr. Gulen just as it has pursued and persecuted hundreds of thousands of other innocent people both inside and outside Turkey’s border.

We are grateful that American officials who uphold the rule of law and the long-standing democratic tradition of this country held the line against these persistent efforts to violate the law.

About Alliance for Shared Values

The Alliance for Shared Values (AFSV) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves as a voice for cultural organizations affiliated with Hizmet, a civil society movement inspired by prominent preacher and peace advocate Fethullah Gülen. The Alliance strives to promote peace and social harmony by helping reduce misinformation and false stereotypes about any or all ethnic, cultural and religious communities. To learn more about the Alliance, please visit

About Fethullah Gülen

Fethullah Gülen is an Islamic scholar, preacher and social advocate, whose decades-long commitment to education, interfaith dialogue and altruism has inspired millions in Turkey and around the world. Gülen is the honorary chairman of the Rumi Forum, Washington, DC, and the Peace Islands Institute, New York.

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