AfSV Message on World Humanitarian Day
August 19, 2022 – Today, the Alliance for Shared Values joins the international community to commemorate the United Nations’ World Humanitarian Day.
This year, the UN has focused the day on the human cost of the climate crisis. The climate crisis touches everyone, but particularly those who have contributed the least to the global climate emergency.
As Hizmet participants, we believe in the value of protecting our environment and serving our fellow humans. We put that into practice by supporting measures to reduce our harmful impact on our planet and by providing humanitarian relief when and where possible as both a social responsibility and spiritual practice. As climate change leads to more severe weather events, raising consciousness about our impact on our planet and compassionate humanitarian relief will become even more critical in the future.
AfSV commends the United Nations’ effort to give the world’s most vulnerable people the chance to make their voices heard today. We also praise the advocates for a responsible stewardship of the earth, our common home, and the aid workers who help ensure the safety and well-being of others without prejudice or preference.